2024 Conference on Integration and Cooperation

1st Edition

The CICAN conference 2024 will gather thought leaders from across Canada and international participants to co-create innovative strategies that address newcomer challenges as it relates to their economic, social, cultural and linguistic integration.

Through this conference, CICAN will showcase its commitment to building bridges between diverse cultures and communities by leveraging its extensive network of educational institutions and key community actors.

The CICAN conference 2024 will bring together leaders and employers in the public, private, and non-profit sectors, as well as immigrants and refugees, to discuss the biggest challenges and opportunities in immigration.

Kindly join us for a series of interactive workshops led by our keynote speakers.




Hôtel Marriot Ottawa Est Ottawa Conference and Event Centre
200 Coventry road
Ottawa, ON, K1K 4S3

Objectives of the conference

Documentation of challenges to immigrant integration that needs to be overcome in Canada.

Development of a platform of knowledge sharing in relation to integration issues.

Documentation of linguistic; economic; and social integration processes and experiences in Canada

Increase participants’ knowledge on the rich and diversified economic sectors of Canada and required skills for integration.

Compilation of best Practices and Strategies for Integration

Commitment to Implement Actionable Steps for Improved Integration


Please note All agenda times are in Eastern Standard Time. See what time that is for you.

Day 1

Sunday, May 26, 2024

17:00Preregistration (Marriot Hotel conference room)
18:00Meet and greet at Canadian Museum of Nature

Day 2

Monday, May, 27th 2024

10:00Registration and Breakfast
11:00Conference Opening
11:15 Welcome Remark by Executive Director (CICAN)
11:30Keynote Address: "The Importance of Integration for Canada's Future" by [Keynote Speaker]
11:45Overview of Conference Objectives and Agenda
12:00Defining and Understanding Integration Challenges
13:00 Panel Discussion: "Current Landscape of immigrant Integration in Canada"
14:00 - 16:00Breakout Sessions:
  1. Employment Integration: Best Practices and Challenges
  2. Cultural and Social Integration: Building Inclusive Communities
  3. Intégration éducative : Améliorer l'accès et la qualité pour les nouveaux arrivants

Day 3

Tuesday, May 28th 2024

11:00Keynote Address: "Government Policies and Their Impact on Integration" by [Keynote Speaker]
11:15Panel Discussion: "Collaborative Approaches: Government, NGOs, and Private Sector"
11:30Case Study Presentations: Successful Integration Initiatives in Canada
11:45Panel Discussion: "Comparative Analysis: International Approaches to Integration"
12:00Building Partnerships and Commitments
13:00Panel Discussion: "Strengthening Collaboration: Universities, Businesses, and Community Organizations"
14:00Roundtable Sessions: Identifying Actionable Steps and Commitments
15:00Closing Remarks and Acknowledgments
16:00Networking Reception

Side events

Cultural Showcases: Celebrating Cultural Diversity
Guided tour in the Ottawa-Gatineau region
Live virtual participation


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