French lessons
Our offer
- 100% free courses
- Each learner is followed by a dedicated volunteer tutor
- Two to three hours of classes per week
- Flexible schedule
- All beginner and intermediate levels are accepted
Eligibility requirements
- Be a permanent resident or accepted refugee
- Living in Ottawa
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Have a valid reason for not being able to attend classes in a conventional school: Illness, young child, full-time work...
- Be motivated and diligent

At the end of 2021 I started my French lessons with Shirline. Since the first lesson, Shirline has shown great sensitivity and professionalism. She assessed my level of French and took into account my wishes when preparing an individual program for me. Despite my shyness during the first lesson, Shirline quickly managed to engage me in conversation in French and build my confidence. It turned out that I have a pretty good vocabulary and after a bit of practice, I can express my thoughts quite well. In developing this skill, I was helped a lot by the dialogues, listening and vocabulary work prepared by my wonderful tutor.
I contacted CICAN in 2021 to take free French lessons and was quickly matched with one of the best teachers I've ever had. My name is Boutaina L. I was able to quickly improve my French and feel confident using it. Boutaina was able to make the French language accessible thanks to her mastery of French, her kindness and her good approach. My respect for her continues to grow day after day. I also received the textbook and activity book free of charge and am continually supported by my teacher and the CICAN team, who are very accessible and responsive. I would encourage everyone to take the CICAN courses and take advantage of this great opportunity to learn in a free, individualized setting, and with an organization that always listens.
My French teacher Gabrielle L. has an incredible talent for making learning French an enjoyable and engaging experience. She creates a supportive learning environment and an inclusive climate where I feel encouraged to participate. I would also like to thank Nabila the volunteer coordinator, as she is committed to finding the best volunteer teacher to meet my learning needs and continues to support me throughout the program. She understands the importance of fostering a sense of community and inclusiveness. I would also like to express my gratitude to CICAN whose expertise, passion and unwavering support have had a lasting impact on my life for almost two years. My husband Amir and I, as we both benefit from the French courses, highly recommend Parler-F to anyone looking for first-rate language education and enriching experiences for newcomers.
Quelques liens vers les Ressources externes
Site Web Lien Duolingo
La Conjugaison
Le Point du FLE
Centre des niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens/