Mot du Président Directeur Général
Telling the story of Cooperation Integration Canada means looking at the work that has been carried out simultaneously for the benefit of the Francophone and Francophile community for more than 15 years of existence.
Thousands of young people taken in hand, supported in terms of employability and social inclusion. So many families supported both financially and humanly. Seniors who have been reached out. Hundreds of forums and workshops on topics that directly affect newcomers. Internship and volunteer opportunities for youth and newcomers looking to gain their first Canadian experience. Free and individualized French lessons. Personalized support to complete administrative formalities.... And much more.
Notre conviction est que chaque nouvel(le) arrivant(e) mérite un accompagnement sur mesure. Chez CICAN, nous ne traitons pas des dossiers, nous sommes au service de personnes avec chacune son histoire, sa culture, son rythme et ses aspirations. Notre objectif est que tous les nouveaux arrivants et les nouvelles arrivantes trouvent la place qui leur sied, où leur culture et celle de leur nouveau pays cohabitent en harmonie. Notre devise est de partager pour grandir ensemble.
L'impossible est possible ! Nous sommes passionnés par ce que nous faisons et nous n'épargnons aucun effort pour le faire comme il se doit.
Mission et mandat
Our mandate is to initiate concrete and effective actions allowing Francophone and Francophile immigrants to overcome the daily difficulties they face. Our services are supported on multiple forums covering different themes (employability, justice, health, youth, citizenship, etc.)
Nos valeurs
CICAN is founded on core values that guide everything it does. As such, we make customer satisfaction and support at the important stages of their journey an absolute priority.
All of our programs and services are built around this imperative. A happy customer brightens our day and gives us wings to go even further. A customer who has not been totally satisfied pushes us to question ourselves and innovate more to fill our gaps.
Our customers feel all the love and respect we have for them, through the welcome we reserve for them, the rigor and attention to detail that we give to each request.
Si nous le répétons souvent, c’est parce que nous sommes conscients de l’impact que cette approche a auprès de nos clients : Chez CICAN, nous ne traitons pas des dossiers, mais nous sommes au service de la communauté pour qu’elle se sente bien chez elle, qu’elle obtienne les ressources et les informations dont elle a besoin, que son quotidien soit plus doux et que jamais elle ne se sente seule.