Frequently Asked Questions

Volunteering raises many questions. We have compiled for you the answers to the most frequently asked questions to become a volunteer French tutor

From the age of 18, it is possible to become a volunteer tutor to give French lessons with CICAN.

Only Canadian citizens, permanent residents, accepted refugees, current work permit holders and international students are admitted to this program.

You must reside in Canada and have one of the following statuses to be eligible: permanent resident, accepted refugee, holder of an up-to-date work permit, international student.

Classes are given for two to three hours per week.

AAccompanies a single learner. Sometimes a couple wants to take the course together. For this, both people must have the same level and the same availability.

Also, these are individualized courses that can be given in person or via an online platform.

No way. We accept all availability in terms of days and times. In our list of learners, some are available in the evening, others during the day, on weekdays, or on weekends.

Our team includes a volunteer coordinator and several educational advisors who are at the service of volunteers and learners. Several training and information sessions are scheduled. And at any time, the volunteer can contact his educational advisor or the volunteer coordinator to ask questions or request support.

A minimum of 6 months is desirable so as not to break the momentum of learning. The maximum would be to accompany your learner up to level 7. It is however possible and even very appreciated to do tutoring for several years by accompanying new learners each time.

Not especially. Some of our learners have no basis in French. Others have intermediate levels. Our goal is to support them to reach level 7 in reading, writing, and comprehension.

What documents are required?

  • Agree to produce a criminal record extract
  • A complete CV
  • A form sent by CICAN and which you must fill in giving information on your background, your references, your availability...
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